June 14, 2019 Joshua Ruskin
10 Reasons Why Businesses Need PPC Advertising
I’m a firm believer that web/online marketing is by far the best advertising medium there is. Online marketing is the cheapest & easiest way to bring in new customers for your business. Further, online marketing gives you immediate actionable results that you can use to further optimize your online marketing campaigns. The ROI for online marketing can be astonishing but let me give you the following 10 reasons for why you should do PPC advertising for your business:
1.Small Investment
I’m a firm believer that web/online marketing is by far the best advertising medium there is. Online marketing is the cheapest & easiest way to bring in new customers for your business. Further, online marketing gives you immediate actionable results that you can use to further optimize your online marketing campaigns. The ROI for online marketing can be astonishing but let me give you the following 10 reasons for why you should do PPC advertising for your business:
2.You Control Your Budget
Unlike other mediums of advertising PPC advertising lets you choose whatever budget that suits your business. You literally set whatever daily budget you want, in fact, statistically, smaller budgets mean you will get cheaper conversions. No other form of advertising gives you this kind of flexibility. Further, you only pay when someone performs an action by clicking on your ad so you don’t pay anything to display your ads! Imagine if Magazine or Newspaper ads only charged you when someone called your business. You can see why PPC advertising is becoming so popular in today’s economy.
3. Only Pay for Results
Like I mentioned earlier, you only pay for clicks/results when you do PPC advertising, displaying your ad on Google is completely free. Because of this, and controlling your budget, online advertising is basically risk-free and no other form of advertising offers you this benefit.
4. Free Exposure
You don’t pay anything unless someone decides to click on your ad. Because of that you can literally have hundreds of thousands of people view your ad without paying a cent. A lot of internet users know about this and will often see your company’s url and type it into Google without clicking on your ad thus generating you a bunch of free traffic! Further, if you display your company’s phone number on your ad many clients will see your ad on their desktop, pick up their phone, and call your business without charging you a dime. Nothing beats free leads and exposure.
5. Even Playing Field
Unlike other forms of advertising (including SEO) PPC creates a completely even playing field. No matter how big and established a company is they cannot use that prestige to gain any benefit over you when it comes to online advertising. Everyone competes on an even playing field when they bid on search terms they want their ads to show up for, no company is better than another company, and everyone has a fair share at gaining new clients.
6. Immediate Results
When you do PPC advertising you gain immediate results that you take immediate action on. You can immediately know if your PPC campaign is a winner or a zero within a very small budget. These immediate results allow you to do a lot of A&B testing to truly tailor your advertising towards your ideal customers. No other advertising platform offers anything even remotely close to this or the immediate results PPC advertising gives you.
7. Measurable Data
PPC advertising gives you measurable data you can take immediate action on to further optimize your PPC account. Because of this data you can figure out which keywords and ads are driving your conversions. Further, you can see what times are best for you to advertise as well as what locations and what devices. Measurable data gives you an arsenal of knowledge when it comes to your business and knowledge is power.
8. Customer Targeting
Like I mentioned earlier, with PPC advertising you can target your ads to your ideal customer with a variety of different techniques. Here is a list of some of the customer targeting you can do with PPC advertising:
- Making bid adjustments for certain days (Monday-Friday or weekends)
- Making bid adjustments for certain times (8:00 AM – 2:00 PM or midnight to 1 AM)
- Choosing to bid only in certain areas and not in others (California but not Los Angeles)
- Choosing to bid on certain devices (mobile, tablet, or computer)
- Making bid adjustments based on sex (male or female)
- Making bid adjustments based on age (25-35 or 55+)
9. Test Market Strategy
With PPC advertising you don’t just have the opportunity to collect meaningful data to optimize your PPC account, you can use that same exact data to help your other marketing strategies! If you have an ad that does extremely well on Google Ads you can use that ad for radio, newspaper, magazines and even internally on your own website. You can also discover who your customers are: their age, sex, location, and what their interests are. Google Adwords combined with Google Analytics gives you a plethora of data and will greatly help you when you engage in other advertising platforms.
10. On-going ROI
Imagine having an automatic customer generator that works well and can be left on near auto-pilot. That’s what PPC advertising does! PPC advertising has an almost indefinite lifespan, therefore if you set it up well it can generate you clients for as long as you keep your ads running. TV and Radio ads might decide they no longer want to air your ads, Newspaper & Magazine might run out of new readers, therefore generating you no new clientele after a while, but PPC ads will always find you new clients who are looking for your products or services. Google & Bing continually grow their user base and more and more people are looking online when looking for products and services. This On-going ROI with little to no maintenance is great for business and is one of the reasons why PPC advertising is the best medium for businesses to advertise on.
If you want to setup a free consultation please provide me some basic info we can set up a time to meet and discuss your company’s PPC account and online marketing in depth.
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: (415) 789-6962
Growing a business is fun and exciting! I wish you the best of luck,