June 20, 2019 Joshua Ruskin
Why You Shouldn’t Hire Just a Web Developer
If you are planning on upgrading your website don’t just hire a web developer. Why would I say that? Because what you really need is a web designer and marketing expert! You might not realize this, but you really don’t care about web design, what you care about is results. A web designer can make your website pretty, but they don’t know how to market your website. They do not know about SEO, Google Analytics, how to do keyword research or how to get users to convert on your website; a marketing expert knows this.
I worked with a web development company a couple of years ago and they knew little to nothing about marketing a website. Their SEO was abysmal; they didn’t know how to write Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, or how to get good backlinks. They didn’t know how to setup Analytics correctly on the websites they were working on and did a horrible job doing PPC advertising. Worse yet they pitched themselves as a premium web design service and charged outrageous prices to their unknowing customers.
I was originally hired on to work on their PPC accounts (which they upsold for $3,000 setup) that they hadn’t touched in months. It was clear they didn’t know what they were doing. Even though they claimed they were a web development and marketing services they knew very little about PPC. The owner claimed he knew more than 90% of the people who worked for Google Adwords which gave him the mentality that he didn’t have to learn anything more than what he already knew about online marketing.
I tell you the following story so you know to be very careful who you hire to develop and market your business website. One thing my boss did know intuitively was that 90% of the people out there that claim to know PPC advertising really don’t have a clue (and yes, including some of the people who do work for Google Adwords). You might be wondering with so much misinformation out there how can you know you are truly hiring a quality web development and marketing team? Luckily there is a way to know!
When you hire a marketing company for your business make sure they are not just Google Adwords Certified but also a Google Partner. When you are a Google Partner, Google monitors your Adwords accounts to make sure you keep your accounts to the highest quality standard. If you go below a certain threshold Google will drop your Google Partner status. If my previous employer had been a Google Partner he wouldn’t have been able to not touch his PPC accounts for months while continuing to charge thousands of dollars a month for his lack of effort. Further, he would have been forced to learn all the up-to-date knowledge regarding PPC to keep his Google Partner status active. That solves the problem of making sure your pay per click (PPC) campaign for your company is in good hands.
So in summary what you really need for your business is a web development and marketing agency or at least a marketing expert to be involved in the design and development process of your website. Further, make sure when you hire a “marketing expert” that he or she is a Google Partner and has a good track record. Ask to see their Google Partner page to see how well Google ranks them. This guarantees your website, online marketing, and business are in good hands.
If you want to setup a free consultation please provide me some basic info we can set up a time to meet and discuss your website and marketing in depth. Growing a business is exciting and fun and I’d love to help you.
I wish you the best of luck,