Google’s Sunsetting Google Universal Analytics for GA4

Google’s Sunsetting Google Universal Analytics for GA4

Businesses must navigate new challenges to understand their customers’ complex, multi-platform journeys in today’s measurement landscape while prioritizing user privacy. Since its introduction in 2012, Universal Analytics has been the industry standard for data collection in Google Analytics (GA). However, Google stated in the middle of March 2022 that Universal Analytics would be phased out…

Google Responsive Search Ads Best Practices for 2022

Google Responsive Search Ads Best Practices for 2022

Back in 2021, Google and Microsoft announced that expanded text ads would be going away starting June 30, 2022, and those responsive search ads would be the only standard search campaigns that can be created moving forward. People’s internet searches change all the time, so marketers must stay on top of it. We can better…

Benefits of Working with a White-Label Agency vs. Building an In-House Team

Benefits of Working with a White-Label Agency vs. Building an In-House Team

Marketing and advertising is no longer a simple game. It’s a team effort, with many different people in seats that offer unique skill sets. Agencies conclude that Google Ads, Search Engine Marketing, Facebook Ads, and other marketing efforts have to be managed by an external team.  These agency owners compare budgets, people management, expertise, and…